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Strength & Mobility

$25 per class From $0 per visit with Share The Love - Group pass Purchase required to enroll Show full pricing
Single-visit price $25
Share The Love - Group Free • 1 visit
Drop In Group $32 $32 • 1 visit
KickStart Program $375 • 12 visits • The KickStart Program is a 30-day training program that is designed to help you form healthy habits that you can sustain for a lifetime. The program includes 13 personal training sessions in an indoor / LIVEStream group setting, a complete 4-week meal plan with grocery lists and recipes, and all the tools you need to be set up for success!
TRIAL Program $100 • 3 visits per Week for 2 weeks •

WELCOME! We are so excited to welcome you as a new client to our Group Training Program in Bangor, Maine!

Here is what you will get:

  • 2-week access to our group training program with 3 training sessions per week- both ONLINE and In-Person - you will have access to all of the 60+ sessions that we offer on a weekly basis - register for any sessions within your 2-week trial that works best for your schedule.
  • A one-on-one Program Orientation Session with us to set you up for success in the program.
  • Access to a Goal Setting Workshop to help you discover the secret to achieving anything you ever wanted
  • Nutrition support to accelerate your results

Here is how the TRIAL will work:

  • Once you complete your purchase you will be prompted to schedule your Program Orientation via ZOOM
  • After your Program Orientation it is off to the races and will be able to attend any of our group training sessions – just enroll an hour in advance for most training sessions and our trainer team will take great care of you!
  • We will send you emails letting you know what to expect and prepare you for success throughout your TRIAL experience.
  • Your TRIAL period will start after your Success Session. If you want to start on a different date - that's no problem - we can talk it over at your orientation.
  • We will send you more emails to help let you know what to expect and

That's it! Easy peasy lizard squeezy. Add to Cart! Add to Cart! We are so excited to get to know you!

Wilcox Wellness & Fitness

Stick Mobility is a training system that improves our strength, mobility, coordination, & flexibility. It allows us to train in a safe and sustainable manner which will help with the longevity of our joints, tendons, and ligaments. Stick mobility can help us achieve better body mechanics when it comes to footwork, elevation, and range of motion. The stretches and strengthening movements performed allow us to utilize the entire body. ALL planes of motion will be incorporated in the session.

Building mobility AND strength simultaneously ultimately will help us with longevity and better balance our muscles and fascia lines up the entire kinetic chain. The Mobility Stick provides visual and kinesthetic feedback to clients and coaches to enhance body awareness and learning. ... Kinesthetic feedback creates awareness and activation of different muscles, fascial lines, and joint positions and improves body awareness.
